10 psychological facts about love | by MUDASSARSHARIF | InfoTech

love effect

1.Most women are interested in men with a robust sense of humor.

Generally speaking, a powerful sense of humor is related to intelligence.

2. When the connection lasts for 3 to 5 months, the breakup rate is that the highest.

 Consistent with Fisher, the psychologist, the divorce rate is the highest after four years of marriage.

Whether it's Jack and Rose's romantic love, or the psychologist Steinberg's triangular theory of affection... All love must be tested by time

3. Compared with those that regard love as a fairy tale, people that check out love rationally are more likely to get love, and love is longer.

They don't get hurt an excessive amount of due to a broken relationship and show less uneasiness in intimate relationships. they're going to manage love, accept the imperfection of affection frankly, and regard the sweetness of affection because the reward after giving, instead of taking it without any consideration.

4. Men are more likely to be interested in women who have similar skeletal structures to their mothers.

This is called "sexual imprinting," a term coined by psychological researchers.

5.Love happens when attraction and desire disappear.

After starting an intimate relationship, if you are feeling tired and even want to interrupt up after each hot love period, it shows that you simply only wish to enjoy love, to not manage love.

6. an honest first impression is more about visual communication, tone and speed than what you really say.

When you first meet a woman, the foremost important thing isn't to brag about how rich you're, but to undertake to be a gentleman, polite and decent. On the contrary, an excessive amount of or too close physical contact can only give people the sensation of exaggeration.

7. Love may be a natural painkiller

When you are sick, you'll obviously relieve the pain of the one you're keen on. Research by psychologist younger et al. Has shown that even watching an image of a beloved can relieve pain. In movies, we frequently see a person who is affected by misfortune or pain. He always takes an image of his lover from his wallet or chest pocket and stares silently.

8. Personality complementary ≠ Made in heaven

Two people that look similar and have an equivalent attraction are more likely to be together than two people that look significantly different. However, the mode of "personality complementary" is difficult to figure in real world. People are easier with people that are almost like themselves. Fewer differences and easier communication.

9. Heartbreak is real

Violent or traumatic events - breakups, divorces, or loss of loved ones, when deep emotions cause excessive anxiety, resulting in pain or shortness of breath, can cause real heart pain, which is usually misdiagnosed as a attack.

10. Happiness is feeling connected with people

No one likes solitude. Loneliness for extended time features a great destructive effect on people's psychology. Which of the classic literature that has been handed down for many years isn't teaching people to fight against loneliness and strive for happiness. Otherwise, he will die alone or be destroyed.

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