How can I train my brain to stay focused?

 book and cellphone

Things to avoid to remain focused:

Masturbating .... (It's wrong to try and do it too much)

Seeing PORN.

Checking notifications from social networks every 10 minutes.

Drinking alcoholic beverages.

Always give some thought to revenge.

Stalking your ex.

Thinking about the past.

Watching TV for a protracted time.

Waking up at 8 a.m.

Sleeping at 2 a.m.

Visiting brothels.

Being too emotional.

Skipping meals.

Avoiding EXERCISE.


The best thanks to staying focused:

1. Finish what you begin

Finish Anything You Start!

Starting and stopping wastes most of the time, and might lead to loose-end problems. Get within the habit of always finishing what you begin, whether it's cleaning your inbox or writing a project proposal.

This is probably the toughest habit to interrupt, but the foremost worthwhile. Our technology-based world of labor means we've got become accustomed to responding immediately to each notification. Get comfortable with ignoring things while concentrating.

2. Establish a daily priority list

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Limit your daily to-do list to 2 or three projects or tasks that you simply have to finish. This not only helps curb the temptation to modify tasks, but it also prevents you from being overwhelmed by a protracted to-do list.

Wondering what to try and do with the overabundance of little things on your to-do list? Put quick tasks on a batch list and schedule a pieced block on your calendar to complete them.

3. Put off distractions

Putt off Distraction

Silence all the flashing beeps, bells, and reminders which will tempt you aloof from your only task. Designate specific times of the day once you will check-in and reply to email and voicemail, and let people know once they can expect to listen to from you.

Turning off distractions also means eliminating those piles of papers that litter your desk, cleaning your computer desk, and turning off the rest that attracts your attention from the task at hand.

Try implementing these steps yourself to work out if you'll do more, and share the guidelines along with your team. If you're like many small business owners, you have got surrounded yourself with others who may wear quite some hats. But it is often a more productive team if each member tries to wear just one hat at a time.

Thank you!

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