What are some of the most awesome psychological facts?

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Following are the some most human psychological fact you may enjoy it.

Love and happiness are astonishingly, closely intertwined.

People are more frightened of the afterlife than they're afraid to die.

Pornography addiction has an identical effect because of the addiction to hard drugs like cocaine. this is often because there is a minimum of six powerful chemical compounds and hormones at work before, during, and after the act:- dopamine, norepinephrine, endorphins, serotonin, oxytocin, and vasopressin.

Research has found that good relationships play a more important role in longevity than exercise.

Falling crazy includes a similar neurological effect as getting high on hard drugs like cocaine.

Holding hands with someone you're keen on can alleviate physical pain additionally as stress and fear.

People who frequently view TV crime shows consistently overestimate the frequency of crime within the planet.

Seeing others positively reveals our positive traits; seeing others negatively reveals our negative traits.

Opposites don’t attract. You’re more likely to be drawn to someone who looks and thinks the identical as you are doing.

Memories get distorted over time and have a tendency to contain false bits of data. the common human has a minimum of one false piece of memory.

Around 80% of what humans discuss in groups is gossip.

Psychologically, we tend to ignore people who adore us and pay more attention to those that ignore us.

Depression is the direct result of overthinking. The mind tends to make problems that don’t even exist.

Convincing yourself you slept well tricks your brain into thinking you probably did.

Smart people overly underestimate themselves, and ignorant people think they’re brilliant.

Your brain craves for more choices and data than it can process at anybody time.

The ability to defer or delay gratification starts at a young age, perhaps through parental influence and DNA.

We’re not hard-wired for progress. We are hard-wired for imitation, empathy, and fear.

People assume it’s you who is that the problem; not matters.

Even the illusion of progress is self-motivating.

Most of the days, your mind wanders 30% of the time.

The more uncertain you're about life, the more you tend to dig in and defend your beliefs and ideologies.

Your favorite song is perhaps related to an emotional event in your life.

Music affects all folks. the kind of music, you hear affects the way you perceive life normally.

Romantic love is biochemically indistinguishable from having a severe obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Phobias and fears could also be memories passed down through generations in our DNA, consistent with research.

When boring people are speech you, your mind “rewrites” their monotonous speech to form it sound more interesting.

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