What are top 10 professional life hacks?


  1. Wear a neat dress, comb your hair properly and a nice shoe must and should, people look at your shoes to know your value. So don't compromise in looking confident and feeling confident.
  2. Look in the full-length mirror before going out. You may never notice a hole while pressing your shirt or trousers, or a little bit of extra sunscreen lotion on your ears which can result in embarrassment.
  3. Be punctual. Reach ten minutes before the time. Remember who respects time, time gives them opportunities.
  4. Wish who and all you meet in your workplace or at least a subtle smile, even for a peon. Give respect and take respect. Never forget, Peon is the CNN news channel in every office. knows everything.
  5. Greet your seniors with confidence. Be humble. Don't show arrogance in your voice. Be patient. Don't push too much or irritate to get approval. Be cool.
  6. Listen carefully when someone speaks, even a fresher. Don't jump to interrupt. Less talk. More listening.
  7. Work hard. Think out of the box. Don't follow the herd like a sheep. Never compare to others. Concentrate on yourself
  8. Never postpone the work for tomorrow. Finish the work assigned for the day. No pending work. Don't take work pressure home.
  9. Join new courses. Learn new things from free apps. Keep on update yourself regularly.
  10. While working don't think about that new Chinese restaurant or the new girl in the office or both. Hey... Comeback. Focus.

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