What is the one liner that keeps you motivating? | by MUDASSAR SHARIF | InfoTech

It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent but the one most responsive to change. ———————:Charles darwin


It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent but the one most responsive to change. ———————:Charles darwin 


Bruce Lee once said, “be like water friend”. Which meant you have to be very flexible both mentally and physically sometimes to survive. The more responding to the changes you are the more you develop. If you resist the change instead of adapting it is hard to survive.


Take an example of the frog itself. it is a cold-blooded species. It is so adaptive to the changes that it can live in a wide variety of environmental hostilities by actually changing its body temperature to the surroundings. We as a human species are hot blooded. we come with an internal mechanism called homeostasis which intern resist the changes by keeping the body conditions at equilibrium levels. Due to such resistance, we are likely to suffer drastic changes in the environment.

Anyway, now we can not suddenly evolve like a frog but we can learn one thing from the frogs by voluntarily choosing to be like water.


What we can learn…..

Personal improvement does not happen in doing daily routines or doing the same things daily. But we all stick to our daily routines because of one reason; it helps us to remain in a comfort zone. Now it is a truth that in comfort zone one's improvement is very minute. To change you as a person we need to jump off this comfort zone and expose ourselves to unexpected, uncomfortable zones where the development and improvement of the ones are guaranteed.

To do so, we need to have the competency and dare enough to take both calculated and uncultivated risks.

We all starve for self-improvement and some may even change their routines. But make sure your new routines are putting you into unfamiliar and uncomfortable situations. Don't take it as a silly advise it is the timeless principle of self-improvement.


I hope you understand what I mean. Thank you…. Keep reading.


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