Why is fitness important?

    Meet A and B. Two persons working in the same office.

    • A wakes up at 4:30 a.m. , freshens up and go for a run in the park. B is still sleeping.
    • A comes back at 5:30 a.m., takes a bath and starts doing yoga & meditation. B is still sleeping.
    • It's 7:30 a.m. A has made his breakfast, packed this lunch and prayed to God. B wakes up after pushing that snooze button for the umpteenth time.
    • A is having his breakfast while reading newspaper. B accumulates all his energy to get himself of the bed ,cursing the TV series he has binged watched all night long and goes to bathroom.
    • Both leave for their offices at 8:00 a.m.. A, all excited for the day, B, with zero motivation.
    • A focuses only on his work during work time, B can't, because of not eating anything for breakfast.
    • It's lunchtime. A had his lunch and is now socializing with his colleagues. B , on the other hand is still feeling full from the burgers and fries he ordered from the McDonald's.
    • Both leave their workplace at 5:00 p.m. A, thinking about the book he is going to finish today. B, thinking about just resting.
    • Both reach their respective homes. A takes bath and starts his home workout where as B crashes on the couch.
    • A eats his dinner, finishes his book, and then goes through his online course. B , on the other hand, watches TV for an hour and instead of making dinner orders something.
    • It's 10:30 p.m. A has filled his today's journal and made his schedule for tomorrow, where as B has just finished his dinner.
    • A goes to sleep where as B decides to finish the TV series he started yesterday.

    And the cycle repeats.

    I hope the message is clear. Fitness (both physical and mental) not only gives us a fit and healthy body but also brings discipline, motivation, and happiness to each and every sphere of life. We must also remember, HEALTHY MIND RESIDES IN A HEALTHY BODY.

    Thank you for Reading

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